When it comes to hunting deer, a blind is a favorite for many hunters. They can be especially useful if you own or allowed to build on the land you’re using to hunt on, since you’ll be able to build a permanent structure in their place. No matter what your building skill level, if you follow this simple guide, you’ll soon know how to build a deer blind that’ll be unnoticeable and allow you a chance at the big ones.
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What You’ll Need
You don’t need a whole lot to build a blind. Basically, the less skilled you are, the more you’re likely to have to spend. For this blind, we’re going to go with a basic wooden construction and some camouflage, so you’ll need the following.
- Basic carpentry skills
- Basic tools(screw gun or hammer and nails)
- Two four by fours for the base
- Enough two by fours for the framing
- Enough plywood/particle board to skin the blind
- Six hinges of equal size
Since this will be a box blind, you’ll want to measure out how big you want things. Make sure you have enough room for you to crouch with your rifle and have a rifle rest if you prefer to use one.
Most of the wood can be found as scrap, but make sure that you buy the framing wood new in order to ensure the structural stability of the blind. It won’t do you much good if the whole thing falls on your head after a season or two.
You may want to consider investing in some metal joints if you’re in an area where the temperature varies a lot as well. These are optional for the most part, but wood changes in size by a noticeable amount with the temperature and the brackets can make the whole process a lot easier.
Keep in mind we’re making a box blind that anyone at all can build, if your construction skills will let you do something more advanced than allow your creativity to run free.
How To Build A Deer Blind
1.) Location, Location, Location
While you can build your blind anywhere, you’ll want to make sure that you find a spot where you’ll be likely to find the deer. If you’re on managed land this is pretty simple for the most part, face the rifle doors at a food plot that’s under heavy use during your favored time of the season.
If you’re not quite sure where the deer are in the area, you’ll want to make sure that you do some scouting first. This is an essential part of the process for any kind of hunting, but a blind limits your sight much more than a stand so you’ll want to make sure that you’re facing the right direction.
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Protip: If you have truck access to an area, you may want to consider building the blind entirely at home and then dropping it off. This will both allow for easier access to tools and make less of a disturbance in the area you plan on hunting in.
2.) The Foundation
For the most part, this is a simple process. Simply take your four by fours and place them to support the stand. By elevating the stand off the ground a little bit you’ll be able to keep bugs out, so there won’t be any distractions while you’re waiting.
Cut the four by fours so that you can lay them out with about six inches sticking out on either side of your floor. Cut the boards for the floor, and lay down the foundation for your frame using some of your plywood..
Protip: If you’re planning on using the stand within a small amount of time, say a couple of weeks or a month, try cutting all of your wood before you hike it out in order to cut down on the noise and disturbance you’ll be creating
3.) Framing it Up
If you’re not much of a framer, you might want to ask a friend, but the process is quite simple. You’ll simply be matching off the two by fours in order to provide the proper structure. If you’re not quite sure what you’re doing, buy some steel brackets and make sure they’re drilled before you go out since they’ll be able to guide you quite well.
You’ll want reinforcement along the longer sides if you’ve decided on a rectangular design. As long as the blind is reasonably sized, a single extra two by four running to the top will be enough for the most part.
After the initial frame is stable, you’ll want to build the door frame and the “windows” for your rifles. The door frame will be the trickiest part for the novice, but if you build your door at home you’ll be able to size it quite readily in the field.
4.) Skinning It
Cut the plywood or particle board to match the sides. Make sure that you leave openings for the door and the rifle ports or you’re really not going to be doing too hot when it comes time to use it. Don’t worry about decoration just yet, you’ll be taking care of that after you get the doors on. Most people use galvanized steel for their roof, and it’s definitely a worthy choice.
The main thing here is to ensure everything is airtight, especially if you’re using scrap wood for this part of the endeavor. If your lumber is of questionable quality, try bringing along some silicone or other sealant in order to keep the stand nice and temperate while you’re spending long hours waiting for your deer.
5.) The Doors and Ports
The doors can be something of a challenge if you’ve never done anything like this before. While your rifle ports can simply be affixed to the existing skin with hinges and screws the actual entrance to the stand will be a bit trickier.
Try building the door at home and taking it out as one piece. If it matches off while framed, all you’ll need to do is attach the hinges. Allow for about an eighth of an inch of clearance in order to prevent issues with the wood swelling as temperature and moisture levels change throughout the year.
Protip: Keep all of the hinges lubricated in order to prevent any extra noise. The hinges themselves will most likely take some weathering after being out, even if you spring for stainless steel. A good fix is something with as little scent as possible if you find yourself with a squeaky door in the season, but the better way to do it is to check on the blind a few times in the off-season to make sure.
6.) Camouflage
The camouflage isn’t quite as important as you’d think when you’re hunting on managed land. It’s more of a necessity if you plan on using a mobile “pop-up” blind. Deer will get used to the structure eventually, especially if there aren’t a bunch of noisy, smelly humans running around it all the time.
Some people just spray-paint them with earth tones and leave it at that, but if you feel the need to keep it hidden from everyone and everything consider tying up branches afterward. Some hunters have even used white or brighter colors without any issue.
Protip: Spray paint the interior a darker color, preferably flat black in order to hide your silhouette a bit while you’re in the blind. Most pros recommend dressing in black as well
We hope we’ve helped you figure out how to build a deer blind. You can make it as complex or easy as you want, in the end, it’s just a small structure with a couple of rifle ports. The location is the most important part of all of this, as long as the blind is built well enough it doesn’t fall on your head so make sure you do your homework before you decide on where to build.
The key here is to make sure that everything is set up close enough to your position that you can take the shot even if the bird realizes that something is amiss, roughly 20 yards away is good in most cases.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this tutorial if you have any of your own tips or tricks then let us know in the comments below.